Exploring Colour
Exploring Colour was a 4 week project working with ELMS (East London Mental Health Support) and NBAM participants which would lead to an exhibition at the Leytonstone Arts Trail.
Week 1
Still life, but not as you know it!
Amanda used still life to work from to play with colour and shapes. She wanted participants to attack the canvas/paper in new ways. Encouraging covering the surface quickly with a block colour and then mixing colours to recreate objects taken from the still life. The main objective was for the participants to see the relationships between the colours and shapes and to work quickly without much focus on drawing or trying to capture too much detail in order to free them up and enjoy producing colorful original work.
Week 2
Sharing is caring, or is it?
This week Liz encouraged participants to share their work so that no one piece was anyone alone. This stretched participants to try to take on other people’s work and changes to their work with an open mind and continue to contribute until the activity was over. Participants also worked with Liz to create colourful artwork from a completely white still life. She arranged various still life pieces for participants to observe and add in their own colour choices.